The Science Behind WorkWhoosh.

Relatable Scenarios for Motivation & Value

WorkWhoosh creates immersive, real-world scenarios that align with actual workplace needs, ensuring engagement and relevance for learners.

Activating Mirror Neurons for Experiential Learning

Work practice stimulates mirror neurons, mentally preparing learners for real-life situations and improving decision-making skills.

Conversational Training for Deep Learning

Our approach encourages elaboration, interleaving, spaced repetition, and retrieval—proven methods for strengthening long-term knowledge retention.

Risk-Free Practice for Faster Skill Acquisition

Learners can take risks, explore different strategies, and make mistakes in a safe environment, leading to deeper understanding and faster mastery.

Dynamic Learning Aligned with the 70/20/10 Model

WorkWhoosh optimizes workplace learning with practical experiences (70%), social learning opportunities (20%), and structured content (10%).